Easy Dhaka

Information about the Easy Dhaka instance of Odoo, the Open Source ERP.

Installed Applications

Easy Data Transfer
This module is able to send data from a instance of odoo in another instance.
E-commerce Review With Moderation and Full Control
This module will help to hold the reviews or rating not appropriate for showing the shop product page.
Extra Sale View
Extra Sale View and Search For Easy Dhaka
Customization For Advance Payment
This Module will customize advance payment option in sale and invoice
Meta Courier Address Form
This Module is Set, Courier Details in Sales Order
Meta Courier API Information
This Module is Set, Courier Sales Order Courier Information
Upload Product in Pricelist one Clickk
Easy Dhaka Portal design
Custom portal design for Easy Dhaka.
MetaSMS EasyDhaka
Order notification via SMS.
Odoo Woocommerce Connect
Woocommerce odoo connector woocommerce integration odoo Woocommerce connector is used to Import customers,products,saleorder from woocommerce to Odoo Manage your WooCommerce in Real Time and Bi-directional data exchange between WooCommerce store and Odoo
From quotations to invoices
Invoices & Payments
eCommerce Categories Images
Enterprise website builder
Manage your stock and logistics activities
Manage financial and analytic accounting
Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
Sell your products online
Create and customize your Odoo apps
Document management
Bulk Publish/Unpublish Product in website
Centralize, manage, share and grow your knowledge library
Mass Cancel Journals Entries
This module allows to cancel or delete mass/bulk/multiple Journal Entries from the tree view.
Marketplace Stock Sync
Cron For marketplace stock syncs
Product Internal Reference Unique
Unique internal reference (SKU).
Meta Sale Marketplace List
Provides a dropdown to sale order for manually select marketplace name.
Sales Complete Delivery
Complete Delivery of sale orders in one click of a button.
Meta Same Category Products
Meta Same Category Products
Meta Shop By Look
Meta Shop By Look Summary
Meta Sibling Categ Related Products
Displays products from all sibling categories of the current category in the e-commerce store.
Woo Product Variant Images
This module will help to control all attribute Display type to radio image,attribute radio image,get the data of images of product variants from woo/ wordpress site but to achive this the 'odoo_woo_connect' module is a must.
Extra fields addition
Add area, locality fields
PostgreSQL Query Deluxe
Chat, mail gateway and private channels
Centralize your address book
Use barcode scanners to process logistics operations